Student leadership provides opportunities for individuals to develop leadership skills while ensuring open and ongoing communication of ideas and feedback between staff and students.
Our school Student Leadership model encompasses:
- Year 6 Student Leaders
All Year 6 students participate as school leaders and throughout the year, all students are allowed to join either the Student Representative Council or the Sports Captains Team. - Student Representative Council
The council consists of 14 students representing each of the grades, in addition to two school captains. Years 3, 4 and 5 select a class representative; while Kindergarten, Year 1, 2 and 6 will have a Year 6 representative appointed. Each term a new council is inducted. - RE Leaders
Year 6 RE Leaders assist the REC to prepare and lead whole school liturgies throughout the year. They also represent the school community at Archdiocesan liturgies and community events. Some RE Leaders assist the parish by altar serving during Friday morning parish masses, school liturgies and Sunday masses. - Sports Captains
This group is made up of Year 6 leaders and are responsible for organising playground sports equipment and assisting at various school sports events. - School Choir
The school choir is open to all students from Years 3–6 and meets each week. Choir members are invited to sing at various special occasions throughout the year. Members sing regularly at whole school masses, assist in singing at the First Holy Communion Masses and sing Christmas Carols to the residents at Maple Grove Retirement home.
- Year 6 Student Leaders