Our school provides opportunities for students, staff and parents to know and celebrate their Catholic faith. This is done through the religious life of our school. Members of our community experience a rich liturgical and prayer life, celebration of the Sacraments, faith formation, social outreach activities, and opportunities to share faith with each other and with youth from other schools in the Archdiocese.
The St Francis Xavier’s Catholic Primary School Lurnea community seeks to enliven Christ’s message by celebrating through prayer and liturgy, outreach to those in need and Religious Education programs that encourage students to grow in relationship with Christ. The school is blessed to have Fr Thu Nguyen as parish priest who works tirelessly to support the faith life of the school community.
School Prayer
God our Father,
Thank you for the blessings on our school
and for those who work and learn here at Lurnea.
Help us to be loving, just people
who share our talents and show kindness
and respect for those in our community.
To follow the example of St Francis Xavier
so that we can be a school of faith
Give us the strength
and prepare the way for Jesus
in our hearts and minds.